Paint Chip Poetry Prompt #4

It’s now week #4 of my Paint Chip Poetry Prompt and this week we’re daydreaming . . . again. Isn’t that what poetry writing is all about? Daydreaming?

I’m daydreaming that 10 people are going to read the prompt and be inspired to write something fun or serious or silly or strange. Any creative poem will do to help my daydream come true.

The prompt words for this week (which I include in the text for those who can’t read the paint chips in the picture) are emerald, steel, rabbit hole, lily of the valley, primrose path, harvest, and Ginkgo biloba. This week you only have to use one of these words in your poem as I don’t want to hinder anyone’s daydreaming reverie. But feel free to use them all if you can figure out a way to do so.

Here’s my poem for the week:

What? Did You Say Something?

Gazing out my office window
at vibrant blue skies
with clouds floating by

It’s not blue that I see but
a primrose path meandering
through my imagination

A lovely emerald stream
babbles beside the path
where lily of the valley grow

Farther along the way
a vegetable garden grows
ready for the harvest in due time

Up pops a whiskered nose
from a hidden rabbit hole
twitches at the smell of carrots

Along the way I roam
in the refreshing shade
of a Ginkgo biloba tree

I hear a faint voice in the distance
trying to bring me back
to my office desk and work

What? Did you say something?
Yes, we need you to answer
a very important question

Question answered
I gaze out my window at
skies turned steel gray
but here I am at work to stay

Your Turn

Now it’s your turn. Write your poem with at least one of the seven prompt words. Extra points if you use them all like I did. Post your poem or a link in the comments.

Then come back next Friday for more paint chip inspiration.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


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