My Lesson – A Poem

Over at dVerse Poets Pub today, Claudia has challenged us to write about anything we want, but we have to really look at it first. No clichés or hollow shadows of the thing allowed.

My Lesson

My BSF lesson was just some questions,
Bible passages to read—long passages
This is the life of Moses, Exodus and all that

Now it’s filled with my scribbles,
that half cursive, half printing jumble
that is my barely legible handwriting

Good thing no one else has to read it
It’s just for me, and to share with my
Saturday morning discussion group

But the real lesson is yet to come

I’m amazed every week, with each new lesson
that others don’t always have
the exact same answers as I do

We read the same passages yet
we glean different principles as
God’s Word speaks into each life, each heart

My lesson is that our Creator, omniscient
that He is, has a different lesson for me
than He has for you today, this week

Perhaps next week, or next year
I’ll be on the same lesson as you are now
or vice versa as our circumstances require

And that makes me rejoice
that my God truly knows
our daily needs and provides

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


15 Responses

  1. So true Linda. We are all at a different place in our lives and the lesson we get can be meant individually just for us. That does make you think about just how mighty God truly is. Thank you for sharing

  2. Truly that is the way all language works.. and approximation of the all the essence that is.. aka GOD2…

    We approximate life through words it seems..

    But life goes on.. without words..


    It’s no wonder we see words different..

    as truly
    they alone

    are not real….
    but GOD2..

    With or without words..



  3. I love good Bible study groups. As you said, each person sees a lesson that he or she needs to learn based on God’s plans. The Word of God is “alive and active,” indeed. Great poem.

  4. Linda, He’s a joy to me as well and what a blessing to be able to know that each thing in our life is just for us…and it’s the same for everyone else.

    Have a blessed weekend,


  5. it’s a great feeling when we get that hint of a Commune with Him in our prayer and realize “that my God truly knows / our daily needs and provides” ….

  6. I think I might have told you that I have been in BSF before. You must be a really good discussion leader That is a great endeavor of the heart and mind that you have expressed in this poem.

    • You have mentioned before that you’ve been in BSF – that is so awesome! And if I’m a good group leader, it’s because I rely on God every class and BSF provides great Godly training. Peace, Linda

  7. he does…and for me that is part of hte beauty of living in community and learning in community…that we can each take out of the scripture something different…and in that learn all the more….

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