an introduction to legal reasoning – A Stack Poem

Taking a quick break at work and decided to see if I could “write” another stack poem with the books on my bookshelf in my office. This is what I came up with.



an introduction to legal reasoning

Contract as Promise
The Death of Contract
Who Moved My Cheese?
Lawyers and Other Reptiles

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


16 Responses

  1. Today I learned something new! Until now I had never heard of a stack poem. Now I am wondering what kind of stack poetry I could come up with, especially in my newly acquired theological library (on loan from a professor who moved to Canada – 19 banker’s boxes full). I could easily read from my own shelves of books, but wouldn’t it be neat to open up a box and write a poem based on what was packed by someone else?

    • Anthony, That would be fun! Sounds like a great challenge. I hadn’t heard of a stack poem before last week either. I like the one title Mere Christianity that I wrote with the books from my home library, but this one was kind of fun, too. Peace, Linda

  2. I actually read the “Fried” in the 1st spine as part of the title, so I got a happy layer of fried cheese & sharp teeth too. (I tried writing with my workplace books on sociology, erk, couldn’t find my way through — hats off to you!)

      • OK…I’ll admit that there are some good lawyers out there…but I’ve also met a few that make pond scum look good…

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