Paint Chip Poetry Prompt #13

It’s week 13 and I’m late! I usually have these done by the day before at the latest, but this week has been crazy. Working from home is exhausting and doesn’t leave a lot of room for creativity.

This week’s prompt is to write about some BIG NEWS! Please come up with something besides the coronavirus pandemic. The prompt words are acorn, golden, lightening, forget-me-not, silver spoon, breath of fresh air, and smoke and ash.

Your challenge is to write about some big news using at least three of the prompt words. Bonus points if you can figure out how to include all seven in your poem.

Here’s My Poem

Forest News

Said the squirrel to the chipmunk,
I have some really big news.
I found a stash of acorns,
enough for me and you.

Said the blue jay to the sparrow,
I have some news to share.
The golden sun is rising
bringing a breath of fresh air.

Said the hunter to the farmer,
I have some news for you.
A bolt of lightening struck a tree,
and smoke and ash did spew.

Said the maiden to the flower,
I have to tell you strong and sure,
I’ll call you forget-me-not
because your beauty is so pure.

Said the angel to the pilgrim,
I have good news to say.
Better than a silver spoon
our Lord Jesus is the way.

Your Turn

Are you up for the challenge? I won’t say I know you have more time because you’re most likely stuck at home. I know that conclusion isn’t valid. But I do hope you’ll share some big news with me and my readers. Post your poem in the comments, or post it on your blog and share a link in the comments.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


9 Responses

  1. Circle of Life in the Woods

    The tiny little acorn grows into a mighty oak tree
    Then lighting starts a fire as far as the eye can see
    Its golden leaves that once beautifully beckoned
    Are now covered by smoke and ash I’d reckon

    A wildfire can make the woods seem dormant
    And winter months can deliver similar torment
    Whether life is interrupted by event or season
    The effect is often temporary it stands to reason

    Then life starts anew like a breath of fresh air
    Green shoots and forget-me-nots soon do appear
    The big news arrives atop a shiny silver spoon
    The damage now gone and not a moment too soon

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