I’m Not a Pirate

A pirate’s eye patch
I won’t wear
Strap a peg toe on me
You shan’t dare

You think it’s funny
I don’t
Laugh all you will
Said Roman, I won’t


At dVerse Poets Pub today, Lillian is calling for a little anthropomorphism. I had to make mine 30 words in keeping with my self-imposed National Poetry Month challenge. This poem is what I imagine my dog Roman’s reaction is to my son’s suggestion that we dress him as a pirate for Halloween. The poor dog only has one eye and recently had to have a toe removed due to a tumor.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


29 Responses

  1. Well done, 30 words and all! I have a dog named Marco. I tried to put him in a devil costume and though he lives up to it, he wouldn’t wear it even for a minute. LOL

  2. Good for Roman for standing up for himself. Poor puppy has been through it and is handling it with much grace, I think. thank you for this huge smile, and blessings to Roman.

  3. A fun 30 word sprint; I agree that Roman, who does not seem to be a pup, has the right to be cranky with Junior. Dignity before servitude.

  4. However, your son has a sense of humor! Roman, on the other hand, has teeth. HAHA! I had a friend who would dress up their little dog for every occasion. I’d visit and secret that costume into my pocket. No wonder the dog loved me best! Fun poem, Linda!

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