Reminders from God

Yesterday I came across a wonderful blog post titled “Don’t Quench the Spirit.” I found it by following a link in a comment on one of my favorite blogs, Deb’s Blog. (I love the connections among Christians in the blog world, and this is just one example).

Anyway, this blog post reminded me of one of my favorite passages of scripture. It is part of all the wonderful things Jesus said to His disciples leading up to the Passover. Jesus teaches many important truths to the disciples during these final days, but without this one thing the rest might have been lost long ago. Jesus said,

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:25-27 (NIV).

What an awesome gift! Because Jesus returned to Heaven after the resurrection, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of all believers, beginning with the original disciples. His Spirit reminded John, Mark, and Matthew of all that Jesus had taught so that they could record it for us in the Gospels.

His Spirit will also teach us what we need to know about God and will remind us of everything Jesus has taught us. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit brings a peace that the world cannot provide or understand.

But how will the Holy Spirit remind the believer of everything that Jesus taught? One can only be reminded of truth that one has previously encountered. The disciples were actually with Jesus and so were reminded of what they had heard Him say to all of them and His teachings to the crowds. But the believer today does not have that opportunity. But we do have the next best thing; we have the accounts of the disciples. So the believer today must spend time in God’s Word, must learn what Jesus taught by reading the Bible; then the Holy Spirit will be able to bring to mind whatever teaching is needed in a particular circumstance.

So how much material does the Holy Spirit have to work with in your life? Have you studied God’s Word so that when a question arises He can remind you of the truth from the very source of Truth? Have you developed a regular habit of reading your Bible? Have you ever read the entire Bible from cover to cover so that the Holy Spirit has the maximum amount of information to remind you of?

Maybe you haven’t in the past, but it’s never too late to ask God for the answers you need. It’s never too late to allow the Holy Spirit to bring the peace of Jesus into your life. Pick up your Bible today and start listening to the lessons Jesus has for you. If you don’t have a Bible of your own or can’t afford one, you can always go to Biblegateway, a free online Bible resource. Then be ready for the Holy Spirit reminders from God.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


4 Responses

  1. Linda . . .I loved this and that verse! 🙂 ( And Rachels’ post too!) I find it exciting and comforting all at the same time. I’m not sure how to tie this in, if it will make sense, but I seem to keep being reminded of how much we live in a fallen world, surrounded by lies, that permeate my thinking more than I know. And so I might be tempted to worry or despair that I don’t know His word enough, that I don’t have it memorized like I should. Which in fact is a lie . . .as stated in John 14 above. 🙂 The Holy Spirit will remind me. Jesus said so. One lie squashed . . .thank you!
    God bless you as you pour out His truth here!

    • Deb, I think that’s all we can do, is squash one lie at a time. I have been reminded a lot lately, too, that we live in a fallen world and that there are lies everywhere. Many of those lies are masquerading as the truth and being accepted as the truth by the majority, which makes it all the harder to squash them, even if it is only in our own mind. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is here to help us. Peace, Linda

  2. I can’t imagine going through my daily living without the Holy Spirit!
    My husband and I took part in a year long bible study called Disciple where we studied as a group the bible from cover to cover. Though I had read the bible, grown up in a Christian home, my eyes were opened up to so much more about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ! It was all so amazing!

    • April, Group Bible studies can be quite wonderful. I’ve participated in a number of studies over the years. The first one I ever attended was a study of Nehemiah and Ezra. I look back on that now and see that it coincided with my own return from a self-imposed exile from the presence of God. Thank you for sharing about the Bible study you and your husband attended. Peace, Linda

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