Surviving or Thriving

I was reposting old posts for Lent, and I will continue that plan tomorrow, but today I thought I’d do something a little different.

Like much of the country, I’ve been working from home for a little over a week now. It’s part of our practice of social distancing to try to stem the spread of COVID-19. Based on the current order of my state’s governor, I’ll probably be working from home at least through the end of April. It’s definitely an adjustment.

I’ve seen so many memes about working in pajamas or otherwise just lounging around during the period of social isolation, and how being at home so much could cause people to go nuts. It has me thinking about the best ways to survive this situation that has us isolating ourselves so that more people might survive the coronavirus.

So here is my list of tips to thrive, instead of simply survive, this challenging time of working from home.

  1. Adhere to as much of your pre-social-isolation routine as you can. That means:
    • get up at roughly the same time,
    • take a shower and get dressed (including jewelry if you usually wear it),
    • brush your hair and put on a little make-up, and
    • eat a healthy breakfast then brush your teeth.
  2. Now that you are ready for work, use what used to be commute time to add a new habit, such as:
    • read your Bible or a daily devotional,
    • pray or meditate, or
    • play with your dog, cat, or kids.
  3. Take regular breaks during the day to:
    • go for a walk (in uncrowded places, of course),
    • sit out in the sun,
    • watch the birds and squirrels, or
    • notice and smell the flowers that are blooming.
  4. Stop to eat a healthy lunch that,
    • includes some fresh fruit,
    • tastes good, and
    • provides strength for your afternoon of work.
  5. Keep in touch with people by:
    • calling a friend or family member you rarely have time to talk to,
    • plan video meetings with co-workers to check in, or
    • talk with other members of your household who are adjusting to social distancing too.
  6. Turn off work by:
    • turning off your work computer at the end of your work day and stop checking email,
    • not succumbing to the temptation to get just a few things done on the weekend, and
    • not answering your phone if it’s a work call and it’s after work hours.
  7. Cherish your weekends by:
    • spending time with family playing games or watching movies,
    • reading a book,
    • going for a walk (again, in non-crowded places), and
    • “attending” streaming church services.

I hope these tips help you. I know these practices have helped me so far. We have a challenge ahead of us, but if we remember we’re all in it together, and “this too shall pass,” then we can learn to thrive and grow where we are.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


2 Responses

  1. Good tips Linda. I still am working. I care for the elderly in their homes. My husband is not. One thing I am doing is writing a poem a day for a FB page for women supporting women. It wasn’t planned. I wrote one poem, and every morning God gives me another. I will write as long as he gives it. I guess that is a new habit.

    • That’s an awesome habit. Listening to what God gives us to write is always a blessing. I’ll be praying protection for you and your elderly charges during this time.

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