Psalm 5 – A Perfect Start to Each Day

I decided that for a while at least I am going to post Psalms, or parts of Psalms, in order. Since I posted Psalm 4 last week I went to Psalm 5 to decide whether I wanted to post all of it or just part.

The whole Psalm is wonderful, and isn’t terribly long so I could have posted it all. But I decided to just post the first stanza consisting of the first three verses. I love these three verses because they remind me of how I should start each morning in prayer. Whether I have a problem I know I will be facing that day or it’s just an ordinary day, the first thing I should do is place my concerns and requests before God. And then what? “Wait in expectation.” Once I’ve laid my concerns and requests at the feet of Jesus, I should expect that He will deal with them in a way that is best for me and for all His people. Then I can go about my day assured that my concerns are in His hands.

Psalm 5

    For the director of music. For flutes. A psalm of David.

 1 Give ear to my words, O LORD,
   consider my sighing.
2 Listen to my cry for help,
   my King and my God,
   for to you I pray.
3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
   in the morning I lay my requests before you
   and wait in expectation.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


8 Responses

  1. When our first words in the morning are “Good morning, Lord” the day is off to a good start. Even while attending to the “must-do’s” of early morning, our thoughts can be centered on what the Lord is going to achieve through us that day – and “waiting in expectation”
    I am often amazed at how the Lord “stretches” our time through the day when we give a special time to Him FIRST.
    Thanks for the reminder Linda.

  2. Thank you, Linda

    Here you have showed the simple steps (that we so often ignore)… I try to find Him first thing in the morning but sometimes I am in such a hurry I find I miss the waiting in expectation part. You can be sure though, that I will find Him at the first sign of trouble!

    Thanks for the reminder of the proper order of things. 🙂

    Blessings much,

  3. Linda,
    Life goes best (always) when I start the day and end the day in prayer. When I get preoccupied and inconsistant, it shows. Thanks for the great scripture reminder.
    God Bless

    • Jim, You are so welcome! It was a good reminder for me, too. 🙂 Inconsistency is definitely something I struggle with as well, so I know exactly what you mean. Peace, Linda

  4. I love the psalms, Linda, and this is a wonderful idea! It is here, more than any other book in the bible, that I have learned of the character of God. He hears, and we can wait in expectation for Him to respond!


    • Karla, That is true, that much of the character of God, as well as the relationship He desires to have with us, is revealed in the Psalms. I am so glad I started Psalm Sunday this year because it means every week I look closely at another Psalm without fail. Peace, Linda

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