Music Monday Extra – So In Love

Today is St. Valentine’s Day, the day we celebrate love. Usually the focus of this day is on romantic love between a man and a woman. But there is a love that is so much greater, a love from which true love for others, including our spouse or our boyfriend or girlfriend, flows. So I thought it would be appropriate to post a Music Monday Extra song about this divine love of God.

I decided I wanted to post the song “So In Love” by Jeremy Camp. When I did a search on YouTube for a video with this song I found something better. I found this awesome devotional by Jeremy Camp himself in which he explains the truth behind the writing of this song. He also sings the chorus.

I hope you enjoy the video. I pray that on this Valentine’s Day you will know the divine love of God and that it will impact how you love your Valentine.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


2 Responses

  1. Oh Linda . . .this was such a blessing and a special gift to send out today, on Valentine’s Day, the day we celebrate Love and loving each other. God bless you and love on you today!

    • Deb, I wanted to post a song by his wife Adie called “Overwhelm Me,” but couldn’t find a YouTube video of it. In the end, I think this one was better anyway. 🙂 Peace and love, Linda

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