Hello Friend, Welcome to Another Fearless Year

I write candid memoir and fearless poetry, and delve into hard issues others tend to avoid. I want you to know God’s grace and mercy are yours now and forever.

Do you struggle with fear, uncertainty, and regret rule many lives, especially the lives of those who have experienced trials and trauma. I can relate. I’ve seen my share of difficult times.

Often survivors of sexual trauma never tell anyone. They keep this terrible secret. This gives that secret the power to cause shame, guilt, fear, and feelings of worthlessness.

Author and speaker Mary DeMuth has said, “An untold story never heals.” I can testify to the truth of this observation. When I kept my story secret, it didn’t heal. I didn’t heal.

When I began to tell my story, it lost its power to shame me. I discovered that the fear it had caused for so long was a liar. The knowledge that God calls me His beloved encouraged me to seek and share the truth about what I’ve been through.

Through the power of Jesus and the forgiveness he offers and teaches, I’ve learned to not let fear win. I hope, by what I write here, to help others conquer fear, uncertainty, and regret as well.

69 Responses

  1. So excited about you being a Guidepost author. I guess i need to work on submitting short articles to different resources. i have neglected my webpage as i have spent the year working on my autobiography. hope to get it published by the end of the year. Making Peace with the Pieces of my life. I have felt God writing through me on this journey. Been a year of therapy. Am just going to self-publish. I have also been publishing a weekly newsletter for the community where I live. It is amazing the comments i get when i have the courage to share my faith. Keep up the good work.

    • Thanks! I completely understand having to neglect some things for the sake of others. I haven’t been blogging much at all this year because I just haven’t had time. I don’t think God expects us to do it all. We have Jesus for that. 😊

      • Do you know if Dr Crystal Grimes from mysticalstrings blog is still writing poems and music? I would like to get in touch with her if possible. Has her website moved? her site was: mysticalstrings.wordpress.com

      • I don’t know. I’ve been focused on other things and have lost touch with some of my old blogging friends. Have you tried googling her name?

      • I tried, I can’t find anything. She seems to have disappeared. Nobody in her family has heard from her in five years. I am worried about her.

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart. You’re the only other sexual trauma survivor I’ve found online that includes God in your journey when writing. I am also a survivor and write at hopeaftersexualassault.com. I look forward to reading more of your writing.

    • Thank you for connecting. I look forward to checking out some of your writing.

      It breaks my heart to read post on Facebook by sexually assault survivors who struggle to find healing but don’t want to even hear about God. I would probably not be here today without Him.

  3. I too have had to face fear and anxiety in my life. Thank you for writing to give a voice to this subject while adding the voice of hope. Blessings! I look forward to reading more.

  4. Hello Linda – I just read your poem: “God With Us – A Simple Poem” and wondered if I could have your permission to use it in our school Christmas program? Our theme is “We Worship You, Emmanuel”, and it would be very suitable.

    • Hi Gail, Thank you for asking. Yes, you may have permission so long as you give me credit as the author. Also, if there is a printed program I would appreciate if you would mail me a copy of the program as I like to keep copies of places my poems have been reprinted. You can email me at lindalk48@gmail.com and I will send you my mailing address.

  5. Hi Linda, thanks for the “Like”! I looked through your list of posts and as soon as I get some free time I will be coming back to read them. I did check out a couple and I love your tone and sincerity. Looking forward to some down to earth reading. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Hi Bruce, Thanks for the kind comment. I’m glad you found something here worth reading. My goals is always to glorify Christ and to promote His healing power that I have personally experienced. I was glad to have found your blog as well. Reasoned and logical arguments for faith in Christ are so important.

  6. I love the way you can write and share with such honesty. I know at times I hold back from the truly personal but am learning to open up more. Love your poems and I attend Quaker meetings with my Quaker husband. It seems ok to doubt there but to be very strong in faithful actions,

    • Thank you. I’m learning to be bolder and more transparently honest in my writing. When I am, I seem to speak more deeply to others in a way that blesses them and me. Peace, Linda

  7. Hi Linda,
    Today, after reading todays devotion in the endless 1920’s classic Streams in the Desert, I searched the topic of refining gold and came across your writing on the subject.
    The reason I did the search on refining was because the devotional mentioned that the refiner doesn’t stop the fire until He sees His own reflection in the gold. I wondered if this is true because that one sentence says so much. No wonder it’s so long. Anyway, your writing said the same thing, and I want to thank you for being careful to include all the sacred parts of this process in your message.
    My hope.. that God is in this suffering.. is all that keeps me from despair, bitterness and insanity. So Thank you. And for anyone who may be struggling, Hang in there with God. We’re all in this together.
    Only in God,

    • Rhonda, I’m so glad you found my blog and were encouraged. I’m reading Streams in the Desert this year, too, though I haven’t read today’s entry yet. I have definitely experience refinement in the fires of life and though at times it seemed like God wasn’t there, looking back I can always see that He was. I pray He comfort, watch over, and refine you in your present trial. Peace, Linda

  8. Hi Linda, your site’s got beautiful design and such interesting pieces, so I’m following! 🙂
    Feel free to check out my writing about publishing: publishinginsights.org

  9. Thanks for your visit – I am sure there are many poetic forms to discover.
    May we all continue to find peace in the different paths that sometimes join and intersect.
    Thanks too for letting me know where you found me 🙂
    I hope you enjoy some of the short forms that you found on my blog.

  10. Hi Linda!

    This is just to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award, which is given to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” Please visit the following link to see the post with your nomination. You are not obligated to accept the award…but I hope you do. You deserve it.

    Here’s the link: : http://meshawnsenior.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/ive-been-nominated-for-the-sunshine-blog-award/


  11. Hi Linda,
    I am a relatively new blogger, and am looking around trying to learn from others who are blogging about faith in Jesus Christ.
    May the Lord continue to bless your efforts here!
    In Christ,
    Steve Fuller

    • Steve, Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found something useful here. My goal is to provide encouragement to believers, wisdom to unbelievers, and to glorify God in the process. I will check out your blog when I get a chance. Peace, Linda

  12. Hello Linda…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. My hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian

  13. Hi Linda! Just stopping by to tell you I’ve nominated you for the Candle Lighter Award–no obligation, no stress–come on by and see my cool candle!! God bless You!

    • Hey, Linda! Hope you get this in a timely manner (?)–I’ve nominated you for the “One Lovely Blog Award”, and my speech will be posted in a day or 2. God bless you Big–sending hugs too!

    • Joan, I am so glad you have found something here on my blog that is an encouragement to you. It makes it all worthwhile to spend the time writing when I hear that readers are blessed by my words. Peace, Linda

  14. I would like to send you some pictures of Alice’s nativity at the Church here in Buna Texas. We have used it several years first at home then at the Church. How can we send them to you…maybe email? Thanks.

  15. Hello Linda. I came across your blog via Kellie Elmore’s “Fearless in Friday” challenge of 30th. September. I have been a blogger for nearly two years, and love to “bloghop” to see what others are writing. Like you I suffered from depression for a while in my mid-twenties, but wouldn’t want to add to yours by telling you how I came out of it. Love and Peace. Lucretia.

    • Lucretia, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I like to read other blogs, too, and have been blogging just over two years. I’ve actually written about how I came out of my depression here on my blog and I love to hear other stories of redemption. I’ll have to come check out your blog, too. Peace, Linda

  16. I just read “To Be Despised by All, but God” on your other blog site… beautiful writing. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and the insights. I tried the blog a day, but wasn’t able to quite keep up with that, I love your creative way of doing it. Thanks for the comment on my blog and for the visit. Hope your week is going great!

    • Thank you. I do just try to write what would glorify God. I don’t know that I’m always successful, but if I am it is because of Him. Funny you should mention the blog a day thing, as of late I have been struggling with it and thinking I will only keep it up through the end of the year. But come Jan. 1, 2012 who knows but God what will be. Peace, Linda

  17. Linda,
    I just came to your blog to check it out. In reading about you I found it ironic that you are a “recovering” lawyer. HA! As I start working on my first book this year (I hope I can get it published), feel free to share your insights (comments) from a legal perspective.

    The Recovering Legalist, Anthony

    • Anthony, Thanks for stopping by. I never really thought about it this way before, but perhaps the reason I didn’t like practicing law is because I am a bit of a “recovering legalist” myself. I find the freedom of Grace that has developed in me a desire to please God so much better than following rules. I will certainly be back to your site to read more. Peace, Linda

  18. Seems like a nudge to me, there’s a great book by John Ortburg called If You Want To Walk On Water You Have To Get Out Of The Boat and perhaps this will push you further towards what God wants of you. God Bless, Mike.

  19. Hi Linda…
    I saw your comment at Deb’s blog, clicked on the pic, and read that you are a Jesus Freak! Could there ever be a sweeter bio than that? So I had to find you, read more, make a note to come back.

    (I, too, have stories that spin themselves in my head until I write them down and make more room. Never heard anyone else who operated that way! : )


    • Linda, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It’s so nice to meet another Linda, especially one who has some similar characteristics. 😉 I didn’t know there was anyone else who had stories that go round and round in their head until they are committed to paper either! That is so cool. I will have to check out your blog, too. Peace, Linda

  20. Hello Linda
    I have read some of your blogs and I think you provide very insightful opinions about religion.
    I am a senior highschool student, and
    have recently been struggling a lot about career choice. I really do not know how to determine what to do when I grow older. I have been considering entering into the field of law and politics, but I understand that it requires a large amount of writing and excellent writing skills.
    I myself am not an elaborate writer, as I often struggle to put ideas into words. After reading your blog and coming across this page, I wanted to ask you if whether you believe God has given you a talent in writing, or whether we have to find ways to develop these skills on our own?
    I have grown up believing that our talents ultimately determine our career and what we will succeed most at. However, people tell me that it all comes down to interest.
    Please shed some light on my situation. This will help me to better understand how to choose a career path.
    Thanks, Tiffany

    • Tiffany, I do give God the credit for my writing ability. I believe all our good gifts and talents are from God. That being said, there is a lot more to the practice of law than being able to write easily. It does help on exams in law school to be able to write, because they are almost always essay exams, but the big thing on law school exams is to be able to spot the issues that you have learned about in an organized fashion. After law school, there are many areas of the law where writing is not the biggest focus. More important is caring about your clients and wanting what is best for them.

      The best career advice I can give you is to figure out what you are passionate about and the research how you can turn that into a career. Pray and ask God what He has in store for you. If you have a passion for something, to help others in some way, God will give you the abilities you need to succeed if you trust in Him.

      I hope this helps. I will keep you in my prayers that God guide you in the right direction. Never forget that He loves you and He always will. Peace, Linda

  21. Hi Linda,
    I just started a blog and am poking around looking for ideas and found you. I like your blog and topics as I am a Christian. I love your verse of the week.
    I’m sure I’ll be back! By the way, I started a blog about the crazy world of real estate sales called Sherlock’s Homes. the address is nanseetee.wordpress.com.

    • Nancy, Good luck with the blog. I have found it to be very rewarding over the past year, especially all the blogging friends I have made. As for real estate, I’ve lived in the same house for 22 years, just remodeled it last year, and plan to retire here because we love our neighborhood, so it’s not a big interest of mine. But I’ll check out your blog. Peace, Linda

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