
Perched precariously atop the canyon wall, the tiny striped chipmunk — I’ll call her Lenna, which means brave — nibbles a pink thistle flower. Undeterred by the sharp thistle leaves, she darts back to the lone source of lunch and plucks another flowery morsel.

In the distance, lightening strikes and thunder roars, brings life-giving rain. Each drop holds hope of new thistle blossoms for this hungry little girl. Perhaps that’s why tonight she feasts on all the existing blooms as she sees the promise of more to come.

In this desert canyon habitat, rain is scarce, rocks are prevalent, and the views are spectacular. Little Lenna doesn’t much concern herself with the Inspiration Point views.

Cool thunder showers
Punctuate the summer heat
Heaven’s tears of life

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


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