All Good Vacations Must End

It’s Haibun Monday at dVerse Poets Pub and Toni is calling for a haibun about everyday things with a true haiku at the end. I did my best. We’ll see what she thinks. This haibun is looking forward to later in the summer when I’ll get to enjoy the labors of this past vacation week.


Vacations can’t last forever. This one has been wonderful, spent planting flowers, including 14 Lantana. But eventually the daily routine returns. Preparations for the work day, each important for different reasons. Start with coffee, my daily devotional, and treats and a game of fetch with the dog. Crazy cat gets in on the action, too. Then shower and teeth brushing makes one presentable to the world. Must select just the right outfit to be warm enough in an air-conditioned office but not too hot to sit outside in the summer sun for lunch. Most importantly, I must pause for prayer—a chat with God about the day ahead—preparation for whatever might come my way. Oh, and can’t forget to pack that lunch. What good leftovers are in the fridge? No leftovers, but mmmm, there’s hummus, crackers, fresh snap peas from the farmers’ market, crisp jicama slices, and of course a cold sparkling water. All packed to go, give the dog his leaving bone and the cat a few treats. Finally, it’s out the front door to the car with just a moment to enjoy the potted flowers on the front step.

Varied Lantana
Lovely summer dalliance
They’ve grown large since June

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


20 Responses

  1. I had to look up Latana as I wasn’t familiar with it. Very pretty.
    You took us along on your daily routine and it was fun to picture you giving treats to your pets, making your lunch, etc.

  2. Lantana seems to be almost a weed here and grows wild in some places. I had a very large one once. The birds and bees loved it. I adore those multi-colored, brilliant flowers. So enjoyed reading about the start of your day, Linda.

  3. I love the pausings here, so important in the business. The noticing of flowers, the choosing of food and outfit…and the chatting with our Creator, who made and provides it all. Just wonderful.

  4. Ah! The lantana – do I detect a love of them? The coffee, the lunch description and that leaving bone – beautifully described!

  5. I mentioned in a comment on dVerse about my love of Lantana–they are abundant in our desert place and they sprout up new growth. They make me happy–as does that so necessary God-time in the morning.

  6. I felt hungry reading your packed lunch, smiles ~ I admire the pause for prayer and giving the pets their treats ~ As I also go to work, I can relate to your choice of clothes, ha ~

  7. I am so glad you mentioned your time for prayer. Your lunch sounds good to me along with Crazy Cat, Dog, and lantana. I’ll def bring you some French thyme, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, basil….no mints though, smiles. My lantana always die. They hate me. So I just make do with zinnias. I’m and herb and veggie person for my garden. But clover….oh yes, clover everywhere.

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