Holy in 10 Words

The Meeting the Bar prompt over at dVerse Poets Pub today is to write a ten-word poem. This poetry “form” was apparently created by Brian Miller who is quoted as saying “after ten words no one is listening anyway.” It just so happens that the other night as I was getting ready for bed I wrote a poem that, including the title, was exactly ten words. I jotted it down in the notepad on my nightstand before retiring. It’s been rattling around in my brain ever since trying to find a second stanza. Now I know the reason it didn’t find a second stanza is because it was already done.


Holy Holy
set apart
for the work of God

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


16 Responses

  1. Thanks for your comment over in my blog. Really, I did appreciate that you commented. You regretted that Blogger did not have a ‘like’ button. For me, I pay no attention to these ‘like’ buttons, as they mean nothing to me…so I am glad that Blogger does not have one. If I visit a poem, I do find some comment to make on it. I feel that if a person visits me and comments, I want to reciprocate with a comment as well. A simple ‘like’ really isn’t the same. I really like to visit other poets and read their contributions, but after a while if I find people are not reciprocal I don’t bother any more…as I, too, have limited time. If you comment on mine, I will ALWAYS comment back. Smiles. Have a good weekend, Linda.

  2. beautiful! There can be nothing better than to be set apart for the Glory of the One who made us…for then we are truly fulfilling our purpose in life!

  3. Who needs a second stanza; this ten words say volumes; nice turn on the prompt; made Brian smile, & share.

  4. i went to service last night and had such an amazing time
    the spirit was really moving…i did not want to even shut my eyes in prayer as i was just taking it in..and so many were pouring out their hearts in honest prayer….

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