Too Busy for God?

We live such busy lives it seems it is hard to find time for God, though He is the most important part of our lives. We have so much to do, between work, housework, taking kids where they need to be, cooking, entertainment, checking email and Facebook, doing our part for our church, and so much more. It leaves us stressed and uneasy, feeling like there is just too much, and yet there is never enough.

The band Revive sings a song called “Sit with Me” that sums up our problems in its two profound verses:

I know I’ve seen this before
You fill your life with so much more
Than you were made for
And as your days become so busy
You find your heart’s become uneasy
As you try to please Me

Troubled hearts breed troubled minds
And you’re running far behind
But you’ll say you’re fine
In your life you feel the pressure
To take control and make things better
But you just can’t get there

Some of our busy-ness is in the name of trying to please God. This is especially true of church work, but is also true of what we do in our homes, for our families, and at work. We want to be in control and “make things better.” I personally have said “yes” to too many committee positions in church before and have become exhausted trying to serve. I work all day, run home to make dinner for my family, then run off to some committee meeting or another. But I don’t think God expects us to always say “yes” to all these tasks. Especially if it keeps us from spending time with Him. 

“Be still, and know that I am God;
       I will be exalted among the nations,
       I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10.

This is what God wants from us: to be still and know that He is God. How can we do that if we are always busy? Jesus died for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God and have a relationship with Him. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. He told Martha that Mary’s choice to sit at his feet was the better one. Luke 10:42. The chorus of “Sit with Me” sums up the cure for our stress and unease:

But leave your worries and fears behind
Let your heart be still with Mine
‘Cause I would rather you be with Me
Forget it all and just come sit with Me

I’m not suggesting that we should neglect our responsibilities; but if our busy-ness becomes a stressful burden, and keeps us from our God, then it’s time to take a break and just sit with Him. When you are feeling weary, remember that “those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31. Find the rest only Christ can provide.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


8 Responses

  1. Linda,

    Great post…I had the habit of saying yes to everything that comes to me…but slowly god revealed to me that He do not expect that from me…He is teaching me to prioritize my life according to His standards so that I will not be stressed by life..God expects us to enjoy each days as it unfolds before us…and most of the time…we do not enjoy it..rather barely live it..

    Thank you for the great reminder.
    God Bless,

    • Rani, Yes, slowly I am learning this, too. The world will ask much of us. We must sit quietly with God to discern what He asks of us. Peace, Linda

  2. Linda,

    Thank you for this timely reminder. Yes…busyness can and often comes between us and our relationship with God. I am learning this lesson of late. Its better to do little but more effectively…than to have so much to do…with no effectiveness. It takes wisdom to balance between what is most important and what is urgent but less important. I gather the wisdom as to why God created daylight and night. If we try to leave tomorrow today, we will eventually exhaust the energy reserves for tomorrow.

    Lord…make us less busy as we sit with You…and take up Your yoke.

    God bless and keep you!



    • Gladwell, Thankfully God will give us that wisdom if only we ask! Thanks for adding your prayer that we would all take time to just sit with God. Peace, Linda

  3. What a timely post for all of us today. I am not as busy as most, due to the nature of my situation as caregiver. So, I often feel pressure to be busier, to do more for others, beyond the one I care for. Thank you for the reminder that He wants us to have time to sit with Him! God bless you!

    • Deb, I am not as busy as many moms either, because I only have one child and he is not involved in a bunch of sports or other extracurricular activities. We just need to not give in to the pressure to be busier. Peace, Linda

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