Paint Chip Short Verse Part 4

It’s already the fourth Friday in August! I can’t believe how quickly this month is flying by. I’m glad I decided to do this short verse prompts this month and have been delighted at some of the lovely poems you all have been inspired to write.

The Challenge

This week the paint chip words and phrases you have to choose from are acorn, pearl, and black hole. The color scheme reminds me fall is just around the corner and summer will have to come to an end. But for now, let’s write some beautiful or exciting or joyous summer verses.

Please pick just one of these words or phrases and write a poem of exactly 31 words, not counting the title. You can actually omit a title if you like.

Post your poem in the comments, or post it on your own blog or website and share a link in the comments. Invite your friends and readers to come join the fun.

My Poem

hidden in an oyster’s slime
a tiny grit of sand sublime
is transformed into a beauty deep
opalescent pearl as it sleeps

God transfigures my grit too
into something brand new

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


16 Responses

  1. Three poems, no titles

    January I sunk into the black hole
    Dug with last year’s chisel
    A summer sparkle now traces the edge
    Showing me all is not lost
    True light always finds a way

    A child, I grew among the trees
    Even tasted acorns on paths beneath my feet
    Giant oaks from bitter seeds
    Houses filled with possibilities
    There is hope in every bitter thing

    A string of pearls real or faux
    Look the same, hard to tell
    It takes a jeweler with a well-trained eye
    What about you and I
    It takes an all-seeing eye

  2. I especially liked the last two lines of your poem. May God transform all of our grit.


    I much prefer a purple moon,
    a wonder I can see,
    than any black hole scientists
    might think that there might be,
    but that’s just me, admittedly,
    preferring what I see.

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