The Wedding Is Only the Beginning

Today is the first Haibun Monday at dVerse Poets Pub. We were supposed to keep the prose portion of our haibun to two paragraphs and focus on nature. I started with nature but expanded my offering to God’s purpose for marriage.

The Wedding Is Only the Beginning

The sunlight trickled through the pine trees onto the wedding party dressed in sky blue and cream. It had been raining a mere 20 minutes earlier—always a risk for an outdoor wedding in the Pacific Northwest. But now everything was sunshine and smiles as the keyboardist played Here Comes the Sun while the flower girls held signs that said “Here comes your bride.” It was a reminder that into every life—and every marriage—both rain and sunshine will come.

Sitting in that sacred forest place, I was reminded of my own wedding 29-years-less-one-day before. My bridesmaid and the best man were dressed in sky blue, and the sun was shining that day, too, trickling through the stained glass windows of the church. There was no rain that day, but there’s been rain and storms since. But also plenty of beautiful, happy sunny days. Lots of love and grace and forgiveness. After all, a truly successful marriage—whether the wedding is outdoors or in—is the union of two people committed to actively loving one another and forgiving whenever necessary.

Say “I do” freely
with intent to forever
keep your promises

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


31 Responses

  1. I like the way you reflect on your own wedding and vows in this haibun. A successful marriage indeed is one where there are storms but they are weathered together. Forgiveness and committment can provide lasting shelter. Thanks for that reminder, Linda.

  2. I really enjoyed this, Linda. Sadly we place so much priority on the wedding without realizing that it is the beginning of a journey…and like every journey, there are sunny days and rainy days.:)

  3. Love the way you segued from nature to relationships… marriage is an exercise is compromise and forgiveness, and it’s that love that holds it all together.

  4. Into every marriage both rain and sunshine will come…..I think many people forget to think about this truth on the wedding day….your haibun is a lovely, poetic reminder of this fact.

  5. One of the best quotes on love that I ever heard came from the sci-fi show “Doctor Who”. The doctor makes the comment, “love is not an emotion. It’s a promise”. For a non-biblical TV series, he hit surprisingly close to the mark! Wonderful haibun!

  6. The purpose of a marriage is the trust you should have, that said I have been faithful to my girlfriend for more than 30 years. Maybe sharing everything gives the same result. I do like the way you use the weather metaphor here.

  7. Thank you for reading and commenting on my links. You are faithful and I truly have enjoyed your past several links. That being said, I didn’t get married until I was 48. My husband was 38 and a first marriage for us both. I remember standing there and thinking, my life will be forever changed. When I turn to face my family/friends, I will be a new person. I truly liked this lovely haibun and how it took me back to my wedding day. I know we both had our vows in our hearts and on our lips. We never ever thought of not staying true to those commitments. They are truly sacred.

  8. Yes, there is so much meaning in a wedding. The wedding itself is the easy part, but the life long commitment is the hard (but very necessary) part. And being willing to forgive is definitely SO important too!

  9. And a river and gazebo is mine..
    but no formal wedding.. formal
    is never me.. hehe.. but any
    way.. what lasts does last
    and for me 26 years from
    hooking up like thIs now..

    Brides maid
    lives Love
    maid in LOVE..

    WED thiS..
    reAlly HaiBUN
    FUN! GETS!..

    oops..! broke
    sings Yoda..;)

  10. Ha. If only everyone did keep their promises and actually considered the commitments they were making before they opened their mouths. We would probably have many less broken relationships.

  11. I enjoyed this so much – the description of the day, the wedding (I LOVE that the keyboardist played Here Comes the Sun!) , the remembering, and that wonderful wise loving haiku at the end. Perfection.

  12. I agree it is only the beginning ~ Funny enough, there was a little rain on my wedding day and they say its for good luck ~ Forgiveness is part of the long term commitment ~

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