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Paint Chip Poetry Prompt #7 for My Valentine

It’s week 7 of the Paint Chip Poetry Prompt and it’s Valentine’s Day. I’m tickled that there are some Valentine’s appropriate words in the mix, and they do say home is where the heart is. So be a dear and play along. It would make my Valentine’s Day.

The prompt words today are tea leavesbonedeep-sea ventquicksand, maraschinowisdom tooth, and love potion. Because I love you all, I’m making it easy today. You only need to use two of the prompt words in your poem, though you are free to use them all, if you dare.

The theme is there’s no place like home, but remember you don’t have to include any of the theme words in your poem, just the concept.

Here’s My Poem

I decided to write a tanka today, which is like a haiku for poets who can’t stop at three lines.

Be Mine

I fell like quicksand
Into the deep-sea vent of
Your heart, now my home
No love potion was required
No tea leaves did I inquire

Your Turn

Are you ready to play? Write your poem in response to the prompt. You can try to write a tanka, free verse, or anything you desire. Post it in the comments, or on your own blog and put a link in the comments. It would warm my heart today if you would join in the game.

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