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Abide in His Light

This is my second poem inspired by a one-minute devotion from Charles H. Spurgeon’s Faith’s CheckbookMar 10–Walk in Light.

The Bible verse Spurgeon began with is John 12:46, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.”

My favorite quote from this devotion is, “A cloud may sometimes hover over us, but we shall not abide in darkness if we believe in Jesus.”

The word contained in both quotes that resonated with me is abide, which means to remain, continue, stay, dwell, or reside. As I pondered what it means to remain or dwell in Jesus even as we reside in a world filled with darkness, I came up with this poem.

Abide in His Light 

I see a darkness abides
across the land
born of sin in a broken world
where innocence died
selfishness allowed to putrefy
into chaos

Though darkness will come
This He has warned us
Though darkness will come
Abide in the Light

Abide in the Light
to obliterate the darkness

It seems a darkness abides
deep in my soul
born of pain inflicted
innocence stolen
anger allowed to fester
into bitterness

There’s a darkness within me
This He has shown my wounded soul
There’s a darkness within me
I must abide in the Light

Abide in the Light
to extinguish the darkness within

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