Site icon Another Fearless Year

Peace on the Breeze

There is no scent like eucalyptus
to bring me back to days of yore

Summer sun sweetly gripped us
as down the road on bikes we tore

No Kookaburra graced our gum trees
though a hawk or two was seen

Smelling its scent wafting on the breeze
brings to mind a most peaceful scene

I settle now for its essential oil
to bring me to a stress-free place

Riding again without turmoil
feeling the sun’s warm embrace


For Poetics today at dVerse Poets Pub, Grace is calling for poems about scents and the memories they invoke. The scent that evokes the strongest and best memories for me is that of the Eucalyptus tree, which grew along the main road a block from the house I grew up in down in Southern California.

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