Site icon Another Fearless Year

Giving up Fear

Over at dVerse Poets Pub today, Abhra has challenged us to write letter poems. I had someone specific in mind when I wrote this, but there are so many people I know who live with unnecessary fear and anxiety that it could easily be an open letter to them all. The final stanza is a reference to Philippians 4:6-7.

Giving up Fear

I learned of your anxiety
This news I’m sad to hear
I long ago was in your shoes
Crippled by my fear

You daren’t go out on the town
Lest the fear cause you to take cover
Even to celebrate with friends
Is a challenge, you discover

Yet “Do not fear” the Lord has said
He longs to keep you near
Trust in Him to care for you
Give to Him every fear

With petition and thanksgiving
Each care and worry release
As I have experienced so can you
He’ll grant you abundant peace

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