Site icon Another Fearless Year

First Things First – A Poem

This poem was born of the realization (or more appropriately, a reminder) that I do not have it within myself to love or to live in peace apart from my Savior. I don’t know how to be gentle or faithful without His Holy Spirit to give me what it takes to exhibit those qualities. “We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 (NIV).

First Things First

If I am to give
a love so kind
I first must receive
His love Divine

If I am to live
in perfect peace
to Him I must
my fears release

If I am ever to speak
with gentleness
or live a life
of faithfulness

First I must know
the faithful One
God’s own Holy
redeeming Son

Submitted for Open Link Night at dVerse Poets Pub! I was #5! Head on over and read some more poetry.

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