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Hiding My Weakness No More

As I prepared and cleaned house for family to visit this past weekend, I had my iPod playing with some of the newest (to me) music I have put on it. That included Sanctus Real, the band that opened for Casting Crowns when I saw them recently. They are a great band and I’m really glad I bought their 3 CD Anthology.

One song in particular brought tears to my eyes and really spoke to me. It’s called “I’m Not Alright.” I think pretty much everyone could sing this song, but most of us won’t because we are afraid to admit our weaknesses and brokenness. When someone asks how we are doing, the pat answer is “alright” or “fine.” Often that is not the truth. But because “fine” is the socially acceptable answer to “how are you” we never know how others truly are doing. We assume we are the only ones hurting, the only ones struggling and in need of strength and comfort, because everyone else is “fine.”

Satan would love for us to keep up appearances, because then we aren’t there to help each other or to encourage each other to lean on Jesus for strength and comfort.

But I’m here to say I’m not alright. I can’t get through this thing called life all alone. I need my Savior and I need other people. I also want to encourage you to hide your weakness no more.

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