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All I Need: A Poem

One of my fellow bloggers Deb Feller posts a new poem every day for our Lord and to encourage His people. I love poetry, and have written a few poems myself, though most are not very good and I could never write one every day. As I was looking through my prayer journal yesterday, I came across one of the few good poems I have ever written and thought it was time it saw the light of day.

All I Need

You, my Lord, are all I need
For You provide the perfect seed
Of faith and hope, of love and kindness
Enough to wash away this blindness

Even on a day that’s dark
Your comfort will not miss the mark
In the deepest pit you stay with me
With Your light alone I see

Even though I’ve often strayed
Throughout my life You always stayed
Close by my side, now dwell inside
You, my Lord, are all I need

I wrote that poem on Feb. 9, 2002, but it is still true today. He is all I really need. The rest is just blessings from Him.

1/15/13: Having not written a fresh poem for today, I decided to share this, the first poem I ever posted on my blog, at dVerse Poets Pub today for Open Link Night.

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