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Hello Friend, Welcome to Another Fearless Year

I write candid memoir and fearless poetry, and delve into hard issues others tend to avoid. I want you to know God’s grace and mercy are yours now and forever.

Do you struggle with fear, uncertainty, and regret rule many lives, especially the lives of those who have experienced trials and trauma. I can relate. I’ve seen my share of difficult times.

Often survivors of sexual trauma never tell anyone. They keep this terrible secret. This gives that secret the power to cause shame, guilt, fear, and feelings of worthlessness.

Author and speaker Mary DeMuth has said, “An untold story never heals.” I can testify to the truth of this observation. When I kept my story secret, it didn’t heal. I didn’t heal.

When I began to tell my story, it lost its power to shame me. I discovered that the fear it had caused for so long was a liar. The knowledge that God calls me His beloved encouraged me to seek and share the truth about what I’ve been through.

Through the power of Jesus and the forgiveness he offers and teaches, I’ve learned to not let fear win. I hope, by what I write here, to help others conquer fear, uncertainty, and regret as well.

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