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LENT – A Poetry Reading

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. In years past, I’ve posted every day for Lent. Some years I even wrote a poem every day for Lent. Other commitments make that difficult this year, but I always like to do a little something extra for this somber and important season. So this year I’m going to do some poetry readings of poems I’ve written in the past. I won’t be doing it every day, but intermittently throughout the 40 days of Lent.

Today, I’m sharing an acrostic poem I first wrote in 2013.

Lord of all creation
wandered in the wilderness
40 days of hunger and temptation

Eternal life set aside
for just a time so that it might
be ever available to His beloved

Name above all names
sacrificed for you, for me
His very life to set us forever free

Throne of grace
once again His proper place
where justice and mercy reign

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