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Paint Chip Poetry Prompt #22

It’s week 22!
And it’s my birthday too!
Had to start with this poem just for you.

Today’s Challenge

I’m excited about our topic for today. We are writing about our dream job. I don’t know about you, but my current paying job is not my dream job.

Today I want you to write about your dream job using at least three of these paint chip words or phrases: saxophone solo, lion heart, saffron, spring, black hole, spirit rock, and ivory. Bonus points if you use all seven and include a rhyme scheme that involves using one or more of the prompt words.

My Poem

Like I said, my current job is not my dream job. My dream is to be a professional writer and inspirational speaker. I’m working toward that being my next career when I retire from where I am now. Here’s my poem about that dream job.

Oh What a Dream

Sometimes it seems 
this crazy dream
is being drawn whole
into an enormous black hole

Devoured by a lion
heart tired of tryin'
to catch my big break
What will it take

Still I keep writing
even if no one's biting
success rare as saffron
or warmth with the dawn

Jesus upholds my spirit
rocks my appeal to quit
bids me keep moving on
not settle for being a pawn

Easier to play a saxophone
solo craft endured alone
yet bonded to kindred others
writing sisters and brothers

Encouragement springs forth
a compass pointing north
ivory keys in my life
dispelling fear and strife

Someday my dream job will
follow my practiced quill
and then I shall be
the best and blessed me

Your Turn

Okay, now it’s your turn. What will you write for me for my birthday? I can’t wait to see! Post your poem in the comments below. Or if you have your own blog, post it there and drop a link in the comments. Don’t forget to include a link back here in your post so others can come play along.

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