Site icon Another Fearless Year

Sharing for Lent

In years past, I have written a poem a day for Lent. It started one year when I felt like I’d given up so much that year and so when someone asked what I was going to give up for Lent, I just couldn’t give up one more thing. I knew doing so wouldn’t help me feel closer to God, which is the ultimate purpose of any Lenten discipline.

This year I have a lot going on. I can’t post many of the things I’m writing because I’m submitting to agents and publishers who won’t publishing something that’s already been published, even on a personal blog.

But I also feel like I want to do something here for Lent, to hopefully bless someone with a short essay, devotion, or poem to read each day for Lent as part of their desire to grow closer to God. After pondering and praying about it, today I finally hit upon the right plan. And just in time, because Lent starts tomorrow!

My plan is to go through my older posts, from back in 2009 to 2011, maybe later, and pull out 32 posts that I can edit and freshen up for reposting. I figure there are a lot of readers who haven’t seen them because they weren’t reading my blog in the early days.

But Lent is 40 days you say? Yes, I know. But I intend to continue with my Paint Chip Poetry Prompts for Fridays because, well, my cousin Ron plans to have 52 poems written in response to my prompts by the end of the year. I don’t want to let him down. And I don’t want to do two posts on Fridays.

For today, I’m declaring my intention and offering a link to my one Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, poem, in case you want to check it out. It is Fat Tuesday, after all.


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