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Paint Chip Poetry Prompt #8

I can’t believe it’s time for paint chip prompt #8. Of course, I can’t believe it’s almost the end of February either. Where does the time go? Perhaps in a parallel universe it doesn’t fly by so quickly.

Which brings me to today’s prompt. I’d love to read about a parallel universe of your imagination. No need to use the words parallel or universe in your poem, but please use at least three of the following words or phrases: pinot noirsour grapes, radical, marigold, watermelon, pink pearl, and blush.

Here’s my poem:

Where Gardens Grow Wild

There’s a place I know
Where gardens grow wild
And sour grapes are used
To make perfect pinot noir

There’s a place I know
Where watermelon seeds
Grow pink pearl onions
That flavor a radical stew

There’s a place I know
Where marigolds bloom
And honey bees blush when
Buzzing a garden gone wild

Your Turn

Okay, now it’s your turn to imagine a parallel universe and share it in the comments below. You can post your poem directly in the comments, or give a link to where you poem is posted on your own blog. Extra points if you use all the words like I did.

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