Site icon Another Fearless Year

An Ode to Moss Landing

I wrote this poem in the guest book at Moss Landing, Ocean Shores, Washington. I took a picture of it to keep a copy and decided to share it today for Open Link Night at dVerse Poets Pub.


An Ode to Moss Landing, June 23–25, 2017

I wrote this poem for the royal “we”
Gail, Sharon, and Linda (me)
We enjoyed our stay at Moss Landing
Our schedule quite undemanding

The weekend began with long drives
I prepared dinner as the others arrived
Feasting occurred, shrimp, scallops, and more
Seven-layer bars that we adore

Lazing in the warm summer sun
Girls’ weekend is so much fun
The lovely weather such a treat
Time together can’t be beat

Cozy hot tub an added touch
We really don’t ask for much
Warm and soothing relaxation
Preamble to subsequent tasty libations

Hard cider, wine, and caramel liqueur
For morning coffee, strong we prefer
It’s not important what’s in the cup
We’re here to share stories and catch up

We’ve been friends for 33 years
We’ve laughed, loved, and shed many tears
Here’s to at least 33 more
Looking forward to adventures galore

Thanks for the memories added to the rest
In this cute cabin we were blessed
We don’t know what next year will bring
Friendship that lasts is our favorite thing

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