Site icon Another Fearless Year


It hardly seems like Hawaii–at least not the laidback Hawaii I’ve come to love. The beaches, lined with high-priced high-rise hotels, packed to the gills with bikini clad women and surfers in flower-patterned board shorts. Blonde kiddies screech as the waves hit their tiny legs. They’ll screech louder later when the sunburn sets in; little black-haired Asian tots would suffer the same fate if not for parents obsessed with using a sunbrella. Mere steps away from the crowded beaches limos, rental cars, tour buses, and shuttles cram bumper to bumper down Waikiki strip. Several blocks away runs H-1 with crazy on and off ramps, merging lanes, roadway running below, packed with tourists and locals alike. Only the warmth of the air and the smell of the ocean attest to the fact that this bustling metropolis is, indeed, Hawaii.

Warm summer rain falls
But the calendar says it’s
October’s rainbow

For Haibun Monday at dVerse Poets Pub this week, Bjorn is calling for non-traditional haibun with cityscape as the theme. I just spent four days on Oahu and am now blissfully on Maui away from the crazy that is Honolulu.

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