Site icon Another Fearless Year

Who Am I?

I spent the past two days at the Faith and Culture Writers’ Conference in Portland, Oregon, and it was wonderful! But now I’m exhausted and still have to go grocery shopping today and take care of some of my Saturday chores that I didn’t do because, well, I was at a conference all day Friday and Saturday. But, I committed to NaPoWriMo and so I have to post a poem today. I decided to post a short poem I wrote in my journal on Friday that was inspired by the opening session of the conference. I was going to post it on Friday, but ended up writing and posting a different poem that afternoon. So here’s the Friday morning poem.

Who Am I?

Who am I?
Beloved, fearless in Christ

Who am I?
Conveyor of love and fearlessness

Who am I?
Translator of God’s worthiness
to an unworthy world
in need of His grace and beauty

Who am I?
Image-bearer of the One True God
just like you

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