Site icon Another Fearless Year

The Waiting – A Poem

I have loved Tom Petty since high school; his voice is just so unique. One of my favorite Tom Petty songs is The Waiting. The chorus of this song is:

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

It is so true that waiting is hard. Patience is not part of human nature; it is a fruit of the Spirit.

And yet wait we must.

The Waiting

Waiting for answers
to heartfelt prayers
is hard, almost impossible
yet wait we must

Waiting on God
to heal and to bless
faith makes it possible
then the waiting finally ends

Sometimes it seems
the waiting is forever
but looking back we see
answers and blessings

Grace, faith, patience
fruit of the Spirit
remind us that God
has perfect timing

Waiting for answers
to heartfelt prayers
is hard, but not impossible
as wait we must

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