Site icon Another Fearless Year

Singing Praises to Our God!

This morning I was listening to Third Day shuffled on my iPod while I worked on slides for church tomorrow. I don’t know why I am compelled to totally immerse myself in the music of an artist or band I am planning to see in concert, but I am. You might think I would get tired of them before I even get to the concert, but instead it seems to energize me more for the coming event. Especially when it is Third Day!

As I was listening, a song came on that I haven’t heard in a while. It’s called Sing Praises and is from their Come Together album. This song always makes me want to sing, dance, and smile. Praising God will do that to a person. The more you focus on Him and praise His name, the more joy grows in your heart.

This song is about what I will be doing both in church tomorrow and at the Third Day concert, singing praises to our God, for He alone is worthy of our praise.

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