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Along This Road – A Poem

As I was thinking about the post I wrote for yesterday about the Road to Emmaus, the first stanza of this poem came to me. I decided to share it as my Thankful Thursday post because I am thankful for all that is written about Jesus throughout the Bible so that we can know Jesus better. I am thankful that when I was lost on this road of life and felt quite alone, God sent people to travel with me and to point me to the truth of the Bible and the truth of Jesus’ love.

Along This Road

Along this road of life I walked
Feelings of despair
Overwhelmed my every thought
My heart had been laid bare

I knew You once upon a time
But now You were not there
I longed to find You on this road
To look I knew not where

By some means I lost You
Of Your leaving I was unaware
It was as if You disappeared
Vanished into thin air

Along this road of life I walked
Then someone came and shared
About where I could find You
He deeply loved and cared

He showed me all that’s written
The ancient words so fair
He assured me I would find You
With a simple heartfelt prayer

Now this road is joyous and light
My faith You did repair
Reminding me I’m a child of God
With You I am an heir

 As a bonus, since I didn’t post a music related post on Music Monday this week, I want to share this video of This Road by Jars of Clay.

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