How to Get a Clean Slate

Yesterday in church our Youth Minister Colie gave the sermon because our pastor was at the men’s retreat. She shared a wonderful illustration that I liked so much I wanted to share it.

She said that we all start with a clean slate, like a blank sheet of paper, but over time we mess up our clean slate with sin. It’s like writing on that sheet of paper in ink. We all do this, though to different degrees.

If we try to wipe the slate clean, to undo our sin, it’s like trying to erase what we’ve written on a piece of paper, or to cover it up with white out. No matter what we do, we can never restore that sheet of paper to what it was before we wrote on it. Even if we only write in pencil, you can never completely erase the effects of what was written there.

But there is still hope. We can get a clean slate, a new clean sheet of paper, because if we confess our sins to Jesus then He will wipe the slate clean for us. He will give us a new sheet of paper. He will forgive all our sins if we just ask.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (NIV).

This morning as I was getting ready for work, the song Nothing but the Blood of Jesus by Jars of Clay with background vocals by The Blind Boys of Alabama came on my iPod. As I listened and sang along (I love to sing along to this one), I realized that it was the perfect song to go with Colie’s illustration.

Nothing but the blood and mercy of Jesus can wash away our sin and give us a clean slate. Nothing we do to try to atone for our own sin will ever work. We might be able to cover up our sin and hide it from the world, like using white out to cover up ink on a sheet of paper; but God will always be able to see our sin unless we ask Jesus to wash it away for us.

So what are you waiting for? Do you desire a clean slate today to start off 2012? Just ask Jesus and He’ll give you one.

I am a Jesus Freak, and I don't care who knows it. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend. My blood family is only part of the larger family of Christ that I belong to. I love to write, especially about my dear Savior.


12 Responses

  1. Wonderful post! I was worried you were not writing any longer. I had not received my subscription via email for several weeks. I lost a couple of subscriptions that I have had to go in and re-enter.

    I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start. May many blessings come your way in 2012!

    • April, That is so sweet of you to be concerned that I’m not writing. Have no fear – I don’t think I could not write! I have missed two days so far in 2012, but to not write at all is not an option. 🙂 Peace, Linda

  2. This is so wonderful! When I realized that the blood of Jesus washed my sins away so that God couldn’t see even a trace, or smudge, anymore–it was like I shed 100 pounds. It’s so freeing, and if that doesn’t make you fall in love with Him–I don’t know what would. Thanks for the lovely reminder, sister Linda!! God bless you richly today!

  3. I am taking the new sheet of paper offered by God — thank you!

    I love hearing from Youth Ministers too, the same Ministers who guide my kiddos. Simple fresh approach with matching smiles 🙂 But since adults sometimes need to be ‘spanked’, here comes the Pastor 😉

    Happy New Year Linda!

    • Rea, It’s so good to hear from you! Towards the end of 2011 I kind of felt like I lost touch with some of my blogging friends, and I’m looking forward to reading more blogs and keeping in touch more in 2012. 🙂 Peace, Linda

  4. Thank you for sharing her message with us. I used to really love when the youth minister at our church preached. It’s giving me this picture of Jesus pulling my messy sin-filled paper out of the typewriter of my life, wadding it up and throwing it in the garbage, then putting a new page into the typewriter with His hands on the keys now.
    Oh I have to sing with that song too! 🙂
    God bless you and all He writes on your life and heart.

    • Deb, I love that image of a clean sheet of paper in the typewriter and Jesus’ hands on the keys! It just takes Colie’s illustration a little farther. 🙂 Peace, Linda

  5. “He will give us a new sheet of paper.” What a relief to read those words, even now. Your youth pastor sounds like a wonderful blessing to the kids at church. ; )

    • Linda, She definitely is a blessing to the kids, and to the adults, too! She has given the sermon before and her messages are always wonderful. Even though her message yesterday was something I knew, there was something about the way she illustrated it that was just such a blessing to me. Peace, Linda

  6. Very well said, ma’am. I enjoyed this very much! I wish we could simply never sin again, but that war between the flesh and the spirit is a pesky thing that we won’t be rid of until we reach the gates of glory. 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. I agree that it would be great to not have to struggle with sin any more, but I do find that the more I trust in Jesus and listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the easier it is. When I try to do it on my own, I fail every time. Peace, Linda

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