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Poems on Poetry

At dVerse Poets Pub yesterday for the Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft – hosted by Emmett Wheatfall we were challenged to write a poem about the craft of poetry. Immediately I thought of something I once wrote in a comment on a fellow blogger’s poem post. Later another poem on poetry started forming in my head about how important word choice is for poetry. So I decided to write them both and post today, with a link at dVerse.

Prose v. Poetry

Prose – explanatory material,
essays, briefs, and memos –
require proper grammar,
punctuation, complete sentences.
There must be a point,
clearly explained,
preferably well-outlined.


* * * * *

The Perfect Word

I must find
the perfect word
convey the feeling
I feel inside.

Dictionary and thesaurus
my best friends.

Which word
do I want?
Is my soul enveloped
or engulfed?

Dictionary and thesaurus
my best friends.
Word Hippo, too.

I reread my words
but they aren’t quite right.
Sad does not convey
despair is what I felt.

Dictionary and thesaurus
my best friends.
Word Hippo and
Biblegateway, too.

Words are insufficient
but the best I will seek
to glorify my God
hope that He gives me.

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