Site icon Another Fearless Year

Blinded, But Now I See – A Poem

Blinded, But Now I See

Peering through the darkness
Nothing can I see
Complete and utter aloneness
Is all there is for me

Waiting in the darkness
Believing I will always be
Lost in desperation
Never my God to see

Broken in the darkness
No healing can I see
Unaware of the Great Physician
Watching over me

Sobbing in the darkness
Does no one hear me?
Will someone come and rescue
Show the way to Thee?

Another year in darkness
Is all my life will be
Resigned to hell on earth
Sorrow as vast as the sea

Alone in the darkness
No one suffers like me
Those who try to help
Don’t understand my misery

Peering through the darkness
Reaching out to me
The hand of my dear Savior
Nail-scars I see

Emerging from the darkness
My Savior God to Thee
I run in awe-filled triumph
As You run to me

Surveying the darkness
Others there I see
I’ll lead them to my Savior
As others once led me

I understand their darkness
How blinding it can be
I’ll show them they are not alone
As You, my Lord, showed me

9/6/11 update: I linked this for the Open Link Night Week 8 and dVerse Poets Pub.

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