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Salvation – A Poem

Last week one of my fellow bloggers commented on my poem titled “Forgiven” that she was thankful for salvation. I immediately knew that I had to write an acrostic poem using this word, because I am also thankful for the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers.

As I started writing this poem, I was reminded of my life before Jesus saved me. My life did not glorify my Creator. Because of my sin, I suffered a great deal of sorrow. It took me a long time to understand the sin behind my sorrow. But I am so thankful that while I was still living in my sinfulness, God offered me love and salvation. Looking back, I can see that the sorrow I experienced was a blessing because it caused me to seek my Savior.

For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death. 2 Corinthians 7:10 (NLT).

As I pondered what to include in this poem, I knew I couldn’t just write of the wonder of salvation. I had to also address our need for salvation. We all need a Savior, and Jesus died to fill that need. I also knew I needed to address the change that comes as a result of accepting the gift of salvation. It is a gift that changes the recipient to be more like the Giver.


Sin and sorrow overwhelmed me, entangle my soul,
All of my thoughts opposed to God my creator, and then
Love came down from heaven and died on a cross.
Victory over my sin and sorrow, His blood made me whole;
At last I heard the Shepherd and found His sheep pen,
The King has made me clean, removed all the dross.
Imitating my Savior, His loving sacrifice, my new goal,
Opening my mouth I sing His praise, declare my faith, Amen!
Now I am free, His Spirit within assures salvation, not loss.

Do you know the Savior? Have you heard the Shepherd’s voice? Have you accepted the gift of salvation that will wash you clean? If not, what are you waiting for?

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