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Music Monday Extra – Word of God Speak

Last night we had our kick-off event for Wordstrong at church. The Wordstrong reading schedule started on Ash Wednesday, but Sunday evening was a better night for a big gathering. We sang some great songs, including one of my favorites called Ancient Words. Our pastor gave a great message about being in the Word. Then our new youth director gave her testimony about her trips to Ecuador and how she ended up with us. Finally, a member of our congregation got up to give his testimony about how God’s Word impacts him, and then he sang Word of God Speak by MercyMe. We ended with small group sessions reading through and discussing our scripture for the day, which was Luke 4:1-13.

This morning I decided to put the MercyMe CD Spoken For in my CD player in the car on the way to work. Coming home, Word of God Speak came on and I decided it would be a good Music Monday Extra. It is so appropriate for this season of Lent as I delve more into God’s Word and pray to hear what He has to say. 

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