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Meaningless – A Poem

This is a short poem that I wrote in my journal in 2004. It expresses how I still feel today about my life and my God.


Without God EVERYTHING is
meaningless, meaningless, without meaning

Without God my comings and goings
my work and toil, all my efforts are
without purpose

No God = No purpose
God is my purpose
Pleasing God gives my life meaning

I never want to be
without meaning
without God

Are you looking for meaning and purpose in your life? No matter what you do with or in your life, meaning can only be found in living to glorify God. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a pastor, church worker, or missionary. It simply means that in all that you do, whatever you have chosen to do to occupy your time, that you do it to your best ability and give God the glory for the blessings you enjoy and the talents He has given you to do it.

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Romans 11:36 (NLT).

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